⭐【🇧🇩孟加拉社會企業海外見習】 Day 5 ⭐【Part 2】
Bangladesh Social Business Internship Visit

📌2月6日─下半部行程:認識格萊珉家族(Grameen Family)社會型企業
Feb. 6th Schedule:
✨ Grameen Danone 格萊珉達能
✨ Grameen Telecom Trust 格萊珉電信信託
✨ Grameen Shakti 格萊珉莎客堤(音譯)
✨ Grameen UNIQLO 格萊珉優衣庫

【Grameen Danone 格萊珉達能】

In order to solve the severe malnutrition of children in Bangladesh, Professor Yunus visited France to reach an agreement with the multinational food company “Danone Group” in 2005. The two sides jointly set up “Grameen Danone”.

Grameen Danone targets children of ages 2 to 12 and hopes to address this problem while bringing more job opportunities to the local community, thus having an impact on the society and economy of Bangladesh.

🥛格萊珉達能的主要產品為優格,為了解決營養失衡的問題,作為乳製品龍頭的達能開發了一項新的食品:Shokti Plus。「Shokti Plus」代表著「Yogurt for Power」,這項產品添加適量的碘、鋅、維他命A及鐵質,維持兒童的腸道平衡、減少腹瀉問題,並且補足孟加拉當地孩童所欠缺的營養素。
Grameen Danone’s main product is Yogurt. To solve the problem of malnutrition, Danone, a dairy company, developed a new item of yogurt called “Shokti Plus”. “Shokti Plus” means “Yogurt for Power”. This product contains the right amount of iodine, zinc, vitamin A and iron to maintain intestinal balance, reduces diarrhea problems, and supplements the nutrients that Bangladesh children lack.

In accordance with the spirit of social business, Grameen Danone buys milk from local farms and benefits women through product sales. Through the differential pricing mechanism, they sell “Shokti Plus” at the low price of BDT$10 in remote areas while higher prices in urban areas. With this method, they are able to gain profits to maintain financial balance.

🏆透過格萊珉達能的努力,其多元化的銷售管道觸及到當地至少三百萬個窮困孩童,並為當地帶來了至少3,000個工作機會。他們因此獲得B Corp認證,表彰他們對孟加拉社會和環境帶來的正面影響力。
Through Grameen Danone’s efforts, they reached at least 3 million underprivileged children and created at least 3,000 jobs through a diverse sales pipeline. As a result, they obtained B Corp certification, which proved their positive impact on the society and environment of Bangladesh.

【Grameen Telecom Trust 格萊珉電信信託】

Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) is an organization that provides funds and incubation to assist entrepreneurs in transforming social business ideas into practical social business models.

在此次見習中,格萊珉電信信託資深經理K.M Saleheen首先介紹社會企業的基本概念、諾賓計畫(NU-Nobin Udyokta,又稱New Entrepreneur Program)、社會型企業學習與創新基金(Social Business Learning and Innovation Fund,簡稱SBLIF),
In this internship, K.M Saleheen, Senior Manager of Grameen Telecom Trust, introduced the principles of social business, Nobin Udyoka (NU) Program and Social Business Learning and Innovation Fund (SBLIF).

格萊珉電信信託透過諾賓計畫以及SBLIF計畫,走入民間,與Grameen Bank借款人合作,找到有企圖心的創業家,資助或協助他們創業實現社會企業願景—「我們不找工作,我們創造工作」。當企業營利時,將利潤再投資回企業本身或是解決其他社會問題,這就是社會型企業的原則—永續經營。
GTT provides funds to new ambitious entrepreneurs through the NU Program and SBLIF. GTT gets to know new ambitious entrepreneurs by visiting the countryside and cooperates with the borrowers of Grameen Bank. NU Program sponsors and helps the entrepreneur to make the vision of GTT come true — “We are not job-seekers, we are job givers.” If there is any net profit from the business, they will use it to expand or fix other social issues to pursue the principles of social business—Sustainable operation.

K.M Saleheen也特別提到「微型信貸」與「格萊珉電信信託」不同,「微型信貸」並不要求創業家提出商業計畫,「格萊珉電信信託」要求創業家提供商業計畫,並透過使用記帳系統以及定期追蹤營運狀況,使企業穩定發展。其他創業家也會針對計畫提出建議,互相幫忙,使計畫更符合市場需求。格萊珉電信信託期望透過商業模式解決社會問題,讓全球逐漸邁向尤努斯博士所提倡的「三零世界」:零失業、零淨碳排放、零貧窮。
K.M Saleheen also mentioned the difference between micro-finance and GTT- Microfinance does not ask entrepreneurs to submit their business plan while GTT does. By using the accounting system and follow up on the operation progress, entrepreneurs could grow business steadily. Other entrepreneurs would also give suggestions and help one another. All these measures make business plans fit the needs of the market. GTT expects to solve social problems through the business model and create the world of Three Zeros—zero unemployment, zero net carbon emission, zero poverty.

【Grameen Shakti 格萊珉莎客堤】(音譯)

💡Grameen Shakti創立於1996年,當年孟加拉約有80%的人無穩定電力使用,只能使用煤油燈,Grameen Shakti提供再生能源電力給鄉村居民使用,至今受惠人數達全國總人口的6%,也減少1,412,348單位碳排放量。
Grameen Shakti was established in 1996. At that time, about 80% of Bangladeshi didn’t have stable electricity but kerosene lamp. Grameen Shakti provides renewable energy to the village. Moreover, their project allows 6% of the population in Bangladesh with electricity, not to mention they also decrease 1,412,348 greenhouse gas emissions unit.

其有三項主要計畫,分別是太陽能住家系統(solar home system )、生質燃料(Biogas)以及改善炊具(improved cooking stove)。前二項計畫使居民有平價實惠的電力可使用。改善炊具計畫則讓婦女減少健康危害、減少煮飯時間,對環境也有眾多好處。
They have 3 main projects which are solar home systems (SHS), biogas, and improved cooking stove (ICS). The two former projects give Bengali affordable electricity to use. As for the improved cooking stove, it allows women to stay away from the risk of health, decreases cooking time and does well to the environment.

Grameen shakti 也與國際組織和大學合作,在非洲與亞洲推行相關計畫,更獲得不少國際大獎,他們以實際行動改善窮人生活品質,方法也相當環保!
They also cooperate with international organizations and universities to bring this idea into other countries in Asia and Africa and won many international prizes. They act to improve the life quality of the poor in an eco-friendly way!

【Grameen UNIQLO】

👕 2011年,格萊珉集團中的「Grameen Healthcare Trust」和日本迅銷公司(UNIQLO、GU等品牌母公司)旗下的「UNIQLO Social Business Bangladesh LTD.」共同成立「Grameen UNIQLO」。
In 2011, “Grameen Healthcare Trust” from Grameen Group, jointly established “Grameen UNIQLO” with “UNIQLO Social Business Bangladesh LTD.”, which is owned by Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. in Japan (It has many famous brands such as UNIQLO and GU).

創立之初,Grameen UNIQLO透過鄉村婦女開始在鄉村地區販賣1元服飾商品,接著在達卡市區推展路邊移動銷售(Travelling Sales),最後才開始成立店鋪,至今已有17家的店鋪在達卡地區。
At the beginning of the establishment, Grameen UNIQLO sold BDT$1 apparel products in rural areas through rural women, then conducted roadside mobile sales (Travelling Sales) in urban areas of Dhaka, and finally opened up stores. There are now 17 stores in Dhaka area.

目前主要從四個面向回饋社會,分別是工廠員工、員工、社區、和環境。工廠員工的回饋有教育訓練、眼部治療及免費的眼鏡 (目前已造福超過3000位員工);員工的回饋有女權的強化(目標是女性員工達總員工數50%)、國內外儲備幹部訓練、醫療和安全的保障、及員工貸款;社區回饋則是每個月至少一次清潔辦公室及店面周圍社區;最後,環境的回饋是採用「不損害環境的生活方式」。Grameen Uniqlo也以捐贈的方式履行企業社會責任,捐贈方式有兩種:一為冬季保暖衣物的捐贈,二為緊急災難的應急捐贈,如洪災。
Grameen Uniqlo contributes to society in four different perspectives – factory workers, employees, community, and environment. For factory workers, occupational training, eye care, and free prescription eyeglasses are provided. For employees, empowerment of women, business leaders training, staff health and safety, and staff loans are provided. For the community, community cleaning programs are conducted monthly. For the environment, an eco-friendly lifestyle is implemented. Grameen Uniqlo also owns up corporate social responsibility through donations- winter clothes donation and emergency donation.


Yunus Centre
Grameen Danone Foods Limited
Grameen Telecom Trust
Grameen Shakti
Grameen Uniqlo Mirpur-1
Muhammad Yunus
