📣想知道Grameen Bank格萊珉銀行的運作模式嗎?

🏃‍♀🏃‍♂國立中央大學尤努斯社會企業中心帶領本中心「影響力創業家實驗室」17名學生走訪孟加拉🇧🇩,展開為期兩週的見習之旅。從今天起,我們在臉書上為大家帶來孟加拉當地第一手消息,零距離無時差了解Social business的運作模式! 敬請鎖定本中心臉書喔!😍

⭐【🇧🇩孟加拉社會企業海外見習】 Day 1⭐
(Bangladesh Social Business Internship Visit-Day 1)

✈第一天抵達坐落在孟加拉首都達卡的尤努斯中心(Yunus Centre),Ms. Selina Khatun (行政暨人資部經理) 為我們簡介社會企業。她提到:若想解決社會問題,必須具備同理心及站在他人角度的換位思考。此外,她也初步介紹了微型貸款,提供了我們日後拜訪 Grameen Bank (格萊珉銀行,又稱鄉村銀行)的先備知識!
At the first day, we arrived at Yunus Centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Ms. Selina Khatun, HR Manager, introduced the basic information of social business. When it comes to solve the problem of the society, we had to cultivate the empathy and stood in other shoes. What’s more, the courses at Day 1 provided us the preliminary knowledge for the next-day schedule to Grameen Bank.

📣Mr. Rakibul是此次尤努斯中心沉浸式計畫(Immersion Program)的負責人,帶領中央大學學生瞭解尤努斯中心各部門的運作。除了簡介沉浸式課程細節外,也推薦了達卡附近的景點,讓我們對孟加拉有更具體的認識。
Mr. Rakibul, the leader of Yunus Centre Immersion Program, led NCU students to have deeper understanding of every department in Centre. Besides, he introduced lots of tourist spots around Dhaka.

✅接著,尤努斯中心執行董事 Ms. Lamiya Morshed介紹「尤努斯中心」和「尤努斯社會企業中心」。她簡介了許多由尤努斯中心輔導培育的社會企業,也讓我們了解尤努斯中心的運作模式。有同學提問:「為什麼台灣有九個尤努斯中心據點,而有些國家反而一個都沒有?」執行長解釋:這完全是看當地大學是否有意願設立,若有意願設立可直接聯繫孟加拉尤努斯中心,不須透過其他單位。
Next, Lamiya Morshed, the executive general of Yunus Centre, told us the detail of Yunus Centre(YC) and Yunus Social Business Centre(YSBC). She mentioned several social business companies incubated by Yunus Centre and let us know more about the operational details of each department in Yunus Centre. Some students asked why there are nine Yunus Social Business Centres in Taiwan, which is far more than other region of the world. She answered that the founding of YSBC branch depends on the willingness of university. Each University could contact Yunus Centre in Bangladesh directly if they want to establish one.

📙今日最後一堂課程,由達卡大學教授Jahangir Alam Chowdhury授課。他用簡明易懂的經濟學原理,讓我們了解到資本家及一般勞工,兩者的起點就不同了。資本家藉由利滾利不斷獲得財富,而勞工只能透過工作去賺取微薄的生活費,兩者的差距不斷擴大。若不改變體制,貧富不均只會更加惡化。在現今資本主義當道的社會,人們普遍認為「有錢等同快樂」,但是達卡大學教授Jahangir Alam Chowdhur認為社會企業更可以弭平世界的不平等。
Social Business社會企業不分潤,所獲得的盈餘全數重新投資回事業本身,幫助解決社會問題。如果可以用「幸福」這個信念去從事社會企業、幫助人,自己也會獲得比金錢更大的滿足感,這或許就是所謂的助人為快樂之本。
At last, Prof. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, the professor of Dhaka University, introduced the inequality between the rich and the poor by using the principle of economics and simple examples. The gap between them will be bigger under the current circumstance – capitalist gets richer simply by accumulation of capital and its interest while the worker could only get the fixed wage labor. In the society of capitalism, people have the stereotype that money is equal to happiness; however, Prof. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury thought that social business could bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. The conclusion is, we could probably be much happier if we help others with the belief of happiness.
The main goal of normal business is earning as much money as possible. However, social business is earning money for solving social problem. Not profit will be distributed to shareholders. All the money will be reinvested in business itself to help more people.

❣”Making Money is Happiness, Making Other People Happy is Super Happiness” -Professor Muhammad Yunus

🤩The concept of social business is novel to us and we are eager to explore more in the following days!

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We highly appreciate the heartwarming support from Professor Muhammad YunusYunus CentreYunus Social Business Centre Network, and Grameen Bank.
