Journey from Being an Innovator to a Social Entrepreneur

A Social entrepreneur essentially builds a business around a social innovation. Her key focus is to bring sustainability and profits together to ensure that all the stakeholders benefit from the same. Innovation and entrepreneurship are two very different things, but both are essential to creating a difference, devise creative solutions to problems and ensure long-term sustainability. If an innovator decided to become a social entrepreneur, what would be the challenges she would face during this phase of transition?

Ex-president of Embrace Innovations, Rahul Panicker, shared some interesting and thought-provoking insights related to this conundrum. He put forth that the product-market gap must be bridged and claimed “there is no stupid customers, there are only stupid products.” Building a cohesive team with compassion and commonly shared solid orientation is also essential. Finally, avoiding from being distracted or pulled in various directions from the central aim and staying steadfastly toward defined goals by dedicating all efforts on the problem at hand is prerequisite for innovator – social entrepreneurs to remain on the right track of the venture.


Journey from Being an Innovator to a Social Entrepreneur