Helping Women Go From the Streets To Success Gave This CEO Purpose

Tamra Ryan is the CEO of Women’s Bean Project. The company employs chronically unemployed and impoverished women in gourmet food and handmade jewelry manufacturing. As there is a never-ending supply of chronically unemployed women who need help, Ryan has witnessed every day to the repeating cycle of poverty. While she tries to find ways “to put Women’s Bean Project out of business,” she also knows that there always will be more former felons, drug addicts and welfare recipients to serve, because society is incredibly biased against giving such women employment opportunities. The most challenging aspect of the work Ryan does is that “our employees do not always make decisions that lead to a better life. People often work against themselves. On the brink of success, they self-sabotage. Often underlying these poor decisions is low self-esteem. It is hugely challenging to avoid feeling angry with them and focus instead on helping them realize they are worthy of a better life. When we accomplish that, it makes it all worthwhile.” Used to hold consistent belief in bipolar norms as right or wrong, good or bad, black or white; Ryan nowadays has realized thousands shade of grey in between as long as she listened to stories and challenges shared by ill-fortuned women and witness their day-by-day positive transformation. In other words, Ryan has been brightly successful in absorbing, cultivating and inspiring the sense of compassion and helping not only to herself or those who receive direct helps form Ryan, but also anyone around the World who deliberatively or just by chance get to know about her whole-hearted social returns.


Helping Women Go From the Streets To Success Gave This CEO Purpose